Saturday, January 1, 2011

*Start Blog* is now off the list...

I have thought about blogging for lots of reasons.  It has been on my  'list' for months. I had many, many days of processing: Why do I want to do this?  Do I have enough to write about?  Do I like to write that much?
Then a realization came to me while running one morning. As I again went over the list of things I might 'blog' about, I envisioned someone (probably one of my very wise friends) saying:
"Your blog is about  the many aspects of your day to day life, the 'list of things to do'...and how to keep it all in balance.  Why then add another task to the ever-growing 'list of things to do' by committing to a blog?"
Well, I do like to write...and writing may help me understand my balancing least that is the goal.
But the real bonus is this:  if I would just actually start the darn blog, then
*Start Blog*
is off of my list. And I LOVE crossing things off of that list.
Happy New Year... Start it off with joy!

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